A very thorough description of the tech behind Pendle Hill’s hybrid worship. Their daily 8:30am ET worships both happen in the physical space of their Barn room and also online via Zoom.
Pendle Hill’s Hybrid Worship Experiment
· Martin Kelley
Vanessa Julye in how some Friends of Color are worshipping in the midst of Coronavirus and increased racial struggles following the death of George Floyd:
In the midst of such despair and turmoil, our collective trauma, exhaustion, sadness, and anger have increased. Friends of Color are finding it harder to be in predominantly White environments including our Quaker meetings.
An Online Lifeline for Friends of Color
Zoom during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Murder of George Floyd.
Friends Journal
· Martin Kelley
From Sofia Lemons:
I was recently asked what it means to live a Quaker lifestyle (which for me is a Christian lifestyle), and I felt a strong pull to reflect on it more than just the casual answer that I could have given. In that reflection, I kept hearing the guidance of Micah over and over again. And each time it came up I asked myself in what ways I was living these words. Here’s an account of some of the things that came to my mind.
A Reflection on Micah 6:8
· Martin Kelley
From Kathleen Wooten:
What if rather than saying “when we get back to in-person worship we will do these things again” – we just assumed this video gathering is the new way to “do church”, for at least a year or more? What is the rush to get back to what was? Is this a time for innovation and experimentation? Can we just relax and lean into a word that is being reshaped around us, and be responsive and accept this as the new tool for these times?
A remix of content brings a list of antiracism books reviewed by 小火箭百度云下载 over the past few years:
Over the years, Friends Journal has discussed many of the works they selected, as well as other books about the legacy of racism in American culture. We’ve made a partial list below, with excerpts from our reviews. Any one of these books will help readers gain a fuller understanding of what life is truly like for non-White Americans today, and present ways to work toward a better, more just country for people of color.
A Quaker Antiracist Reading List
12 books that reflect the realities of the contemporary non-White American experience, and show the way to a…
Friends Journal
· Martin Kelley
Interesting article overall but I was especially saddened by the laws passed when Friends were firmly in control of the city’s governing council:
The one I remember most vividly echoed the Westtown debates: how much overt Quakerism is too much for a school that was already attracting non-Quaker families? After listening to some of this debate, Earlham’s Paul Lacey said to me, “Instead of being ‘in the world, but not of it,’ too often we Quakers are of the world, but not in it!” http://blog.canyoubelieve.me/2020/06/quaker-education-in-pandemic.html
· Martin Kelley
The best part are the pictures. We’ve been doing this so long I could almost ID some of these Friends by their backgrounds!
Can You Gather With God Over Zoom?
Quakerism goes virtual, offering an intimate window into silent worship.
· Martin Kelley
It seems I tend to forget to share some of the work I’m most involved with here on the Quaker Ranter email list and blog. In April I interviewed Francisco Burgos and Traci Hjelt Sullivan about Pendle Hill’s Zoom worship. I’ve written before that I’ve been participating a couple of times a week and it fascinates me. Everyone’s doing Zoom worship, of course, but this one is daily and completely open to the public. It has managed to hold onto a distinct sense of place.
Here’s a quote from Francisco on how the worship mirrors in-person worship yet has distinct challenges.
This is an ongoing learning experience. At any monthly meeting, you will have First Days in which the worship experience is like a popcorn meeting, with a lot of ministry. Other times, it is completely silent. The online experience will be similar to that. We are working to find out what resources and support structure we can make available to people. Some people realize that they have a stage with 140 people and feel the need to speak not just long, but very often. How can we encourage Friends to season the message that they are receiving?